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Secret Santa Gifts- Guidelines to Follow

December brings with it many parties and Secret Santa exchanges at work and within organizations or groups of friends.  Some dread the annual Secret Santa ritual, while others embrace the challenge of finding the perfect gift for their recipient.  Here are a few guidelines that will help you navigate your way through without feeling overwhelmed while giving someone a special feeling when they unwrap their treasure.

  • STICK TO THE $$$ LIMIT: While overspending might be tempting if you pull the name of a favorite fellow employee, or someone who you know deserves something out of the price range, don’t do it!  This is the first rule broken, and can leave others feeling left out.  Stick to the agreed upon amount for your exchange.
  • DON’T GET TOO PERSONAL: Especially for a work exchange.  Avoid buying clothes items.  These are gifts that are a little too personal for gift exchanges.  Wrong sizes, styles and personal preferences may make for an awkward reaction.
  • BE OBSERVANT:  If you don’t know the person that well, take a look around their workspace.  Do they display pictures of children and family, perhaps something showing their favorite sporting team, or a hobby?  Engage in conversation that might lend clues to their likes and dislikes.
  • GIFT CARDS & CERTIFICATES ALWAYS PLEASE: These are always a good option.  Almost everyone loves to go out to eat on someone else, or perhaps to a favorite Coffee spot or Bakery.  If you know the person has a favorite little store in town a gift card to pick out his/her own selection will always be enjoyed.
  • SHOP LOCAL:  Support your local business community when possible. If the person loves coffee, find a great local Bakery/Coffee shop to create a fabulous gift.  Perhaps a delicious pastry wrapped up with a Gift Card for their own enjoyment at a later time.  Or a little ornament from their favorite Gift Shop with a Gift Card tied to it so they can make their own selection.

Whatever your Secret Santa needs are, at Diana Dee’s we have many options for your Gift-Giving needs.  Whether it’s ornaments or kitchen towels, Santas or snowmen, or the beautiful papers, bows and ribbons to wrap it all up with, we are stocked for all of your Holiday needs.  Call us today so we can help you find that perfect Secret Santa Gift.

Happy Shopping!

Diana Dee’s

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Family Holiday Newsletters- Appropriate or Not?

Holiday time….time to reach out to those you haven’t had the chance to keep in touch with all year-long.  The annual Christmas cards, e-mails, and for many, the dreaded holiday newsletter. 

Holiday newsletters are fine, but stick to the highlights.  Friends will be happy to hear that you survived an illness, but they won’t want to read the daily demands of all your volunteering.  As proud as you are of your children, remember that this is a time to send “good wishes” to others, not to boast about your children’s accomplishments throughout the year.  Avoid becoming “Betsy Bragger”, and simply let others know that the children are doing great in school and keep it to that.  No need to list off every grade they’ve gotten since September or every award they’ve been given.

An Emily Post Institute survey showed that people have mixed feelings about receiving newsletters: 53% like them and 47% do not.  With that in mind, only enclose newsletters in cards to those you think are interested in hearing your family news.

A few tips for your Holiday Newsletter:

  • Avoid rambling, and keep your letter to one page or less.
  • A hand-written personalized salutation {Dear John & Mary} is always more personal than receiving a computer generated generic “Dear Friends”.
  • Include the newsletter IN a card, not in place of one.
  • Keep your letter positive if you’re going through a divorce, or have recently been laid off work, don’t drag your situation into your holiday letter.  Keep it light and joyful.

Newsletter, or not, get your holiday wishes out in plenty of time to let your loved ones know you were thinking of them.